Figure 10-13. Schematic of arrangement of instruments for LC2/MS4 (LC1MS2 x LC1/MS2) experiments. Two mass spectrometers (APCI-MS and ESI-MS) monitor first dimension, along with a UV detector, fluorescence detector (FLD), corona charged aerosol detector (CAD), and an evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD). Two other mass spectrometers (APCI-MS or ESI-MS and APPI-MS) monitor second dimension, along with UV detector. Optional valves collect elution ranges for sterols (ST) and triacylglycerols (TAGs) to allow further analysis (e.g., FAME) by GC and/or GC-MS. All systems synchronized by wireless communication contact closure system.
Additional HPLC pumps for deionized water wash of ESI probes between runs not shown. Connecting fusedsilica capillary tubing not shown actual size; wiring from autosamplers (A/S) to wireless senders and from wireless receivers to instruments not shown. APCI-MS, atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry; APPI-MS, atmospheric pressure photoionization mass spectrometry; ESI-MS, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
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