Figure 10-16. Second-dimension separation of cherry pit oil triacylglycerols by Ag-ion UHPLC detected using APPI-MS on TSQ Quantum Access Max mass spectrometer and ESI-MS on LCQ Deca XP (55 V up-front collision energy provided to cause nonspecific fragment formation). Modulation time 1.91 min. (A) TIC of APPI MS; (B) APPIMS TIC of 55-85 min; (C) APPI-MS mass spectrum of LLO at 67.44 min; (D) OOO at 81.85 min; (E) TIC of ESI-MS; (F) ESI-MS TIC 55-85 min; (G) ESI-MS mass spectrum of LLO at 67.51 min; and (H) OOO at 81.96 min. 55 V of up-front CID applied with ESI-MS for nonspecific fragmentation. APPI-MS, atmospheric pressure photoionization mass spectrometry; ESI-MS, electrospray ionization mass spectrometry; TIC, total ion current chromatogram; TSQ, tandem sector quadrupole; UHPLC, ultra-high performance liquid chromatography. Thanks to Dharma Kodali and Lucas Stolp for CPO sample.
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