Figure 10-2. Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) mass spectrometry (MS) spectra of triacylglycerols in rice bran oil from AB Sciex QTrap 4000 hybrid (A-D) and TSQ 7000 (E-F) mass spectrometers. Fatty acid abbreviations: [DAG]+, diacylglycerol-like fragment; L, linoleic acid; [M + 29]+, acetonitrile-derived adduct; [M + 89]+, acetonitrile รพ dichloromethane-derived adduct; [M + H]+, protonated molecule; O, oleic acid; S, stearic acid. Red (gray in print versions) line indicates statistically expected amount of [AA]+ fragment compared with [AB]+ fragment (=1/2) from AAB/BAA/ABA triacylglycerols. TSQ, tandem sector quadrupole.
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