Figure 11-4. GC x GCetime-of-flight mass spectrometry total ion current (TIC)-chromatogram of a methylated and silylated lanolin sample (on the left). Inserted windows of extracted ions (m/z 74, 103, 147). FAL, fatty alcohol; FAME, fatty acid methyl ester; Hy-A, hydroxyl acids; ME, methyl derivative; TMS, trimethylsilyl derivative.
Reproduced with permission from Jover, E., Adahchour, M., Bayona, J.M., Vreuls, R.J.J., Brinkman, U.A.T., 2005. Characterization of lipids in complex samples using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A 1086, 2-11.
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