In reversed-phase (RP) systems, most frequently used in contemporary high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) practice, the stationary phase is nonpolar, usually an alkyl-silica type bonded phase, whereas the mobile phase is a mixture of one or more organic solvents and water or an aqueous buffer. As a rule, sample retention increases for more lipophilic samples and stationary phases and in more polar mobile phases; polar solutes are less strongly retained than the nonpolar ones. Very hydrophilic samples such as carbohydrates or small strongly polar compounds are weakly retained in RP-LC systems and often elute close to the column hold-up volume, so that their separation from one another and from polar matrix interferences may be difficult to accomplish, even in highly aqueous mobile phases (Pereira et al., 2009).
On the other hand, the stationary phase in normal-phase (NP) chromatography is more polar than the mobile phase, and opposite to RP-HPLC retention increases with increasing polarity of samples and of the stationary phase and also in less polar mobile phases. In nonaqueous mobile phases traditionally used in conventional NP (adsorption) chromatography, the retention mechanism is based on the competition between the sample and the mobile phase for localized polar adsorption centers on the adsorbent surface (Snyder et al., 2009). However, strongly polar compounds are often excessively retained in nonaqueous NP systems or are poorly soluble in nonpolar or in weakly polar organic solvents. Often, their separation on polar stationary phases can be improved by adding water to the mobile phase (Huber et al., 1984). Some water accumulates close to the polar surface, where it forms a diffuse layer more polar than the bulk aqueouseorganic mobile phase, which is less rich in water (Fig. 2.1). This approach had been occasionally used a long time before Alpert introduced the name “hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography” (HILIC) for this separation mode (Alpert, 1983, 1990). The term “hydrophilic” refers to affinity for water. Essentially, HILIC systems can be understood as a “normal-phase stationary phase” in combination with a “reversed-phase mobile phase,” usually containing 50% or more of water.
The HILIC technique provides appropriate retention and resolution for many polar compounds, often with better separation efficiency in comparison to the RP chromatography (Gritti et al., 2010). The diffusion coefficients of ionized basic compounds in less viscous organic-rich mobile phases under HILIC conditions are approximately twice those under RP conditions, leading to improved separation efficiency (lower height equivalent of a theoretical plate, HETP) (McCalley, 2007, 2008). Another reason for the increasing popularity of HILIC is its excellent suitability for coupling to mass spectrometry (LC/MS).
Schematic representation of a diffuse water layer at the surface of a polar stationary phase in a highly organic environment.
Structures of some simple polar (A), amide and polysuccinimide (B) HILIC stationary phases chemically bonded on a silica gel surface.
Structures of zwitterionic HILIC stationary phases: silica bonded sulfobetaine ZIC-HILIC (A), phosphorylcholine ZIC-cHILIC (B), poly amino-phosphate (C), and organic polymer N,N-dimethyl-N-methacryloxyethyl-N-(3- sulfopropyl) ammoniumeethylene-dimethacrylate (D).
Langmuir isotherms of water adsorbed on two hydrosilated (Cogent Silica, Cogent Bidentate) and four silica gel (C-30 YMC carotenoid, YMC Triart Diol HILIC, zwitterionic sulfobetaine ZIC-HILIC, and TSkgel Amide 80) bonded stationary phases. cm, volume fraction of water in the mobile phase in equilibrium with the stationary phase; cs, volume fraction of excess water contained in the pores of the stationary phase. Based on unpublished data from J. Soukup, P. Jandera, P. Janás.
Water adsorption on high-performance liquid chromatography columns: (A) excess water saturation capacities, qsatur, calculated from Eq. (2.1) and (B) the equivalent number of adsorbed monomolecular water layers, Nw, inside the pores at full saturation capacity of the columns. Based on the data from Soukup, J., Jandera, P., 2014. J. Chromatogr. A 1374, 102-111.
Effect of the volume fraction of aqueous buffer, (Phi)H2O, in aqueous-acetonitrile mobile phase on the retention factor, k, of sulfonamides on monolithic column BIGDMA MEDSA (A) and flavonoids on carbamoyl bonded silica column TSKgel Amide-80 (B). Points are the experimental data and lines the best fit plots of Eq. (2.5). Based on unpublished results from P. Jandera, M. Staňková, P. Janás.
Instrumental two-dimensional comprehensive HILIC x RP HPLC setup with a zwitterionic polymethacrylate capillary column in the first dimension and a short efficient C18 column in the second dimension.
Dual comprehensive two-dimensional chromatogram of polyphenolic and flavonoid compounds recorded in subsequent HILIC mode (left, gradient of decreasing acetonitrile concentration) and reversed-phase mode (right, gradient of increasing acetonitrile concentration) on a single monolithic capillary zwitterionic polymethacrylate BIGMA-MEDSA column in the first dimension coupled online with a Kinetex XB-C18, 50 x 3.1 mm I.D., core-shell column in the second dimension. Based on the data from Hájek, T., Jandera, P., Staňková, M., Česla, P., 2016. J. Chromatogr. A 1446, 91-102.
The Handbook of Advanced Chromatography /Mass Spectrometry Techniques is a compendium of new and advanced analytical techniques that have been developed in recent years for analysis of all types of molecules in a variety of complex matrices, from foods to fuel to pharmaceuticals and more. Focusing on areas that are becoming widely used or growing rapidly, this is a comprehensive volume that describes both theoretical and practical aspects of advanced methods for analysis. Written by authors who have published the foundational works in the field, the chapters have an emphasis on lipids, but reach a broader audience by including advanced analytical techniques applied to a variety of fields.
Contains both practical and theoretical knowledge, providing core understanding for implementing modern chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques Presents chapters on the most popular and fastest-growing new techniques being implemented in diverse areas of research.
The Chapters are listed above. Additional links to the fully enumerated Table of Contents will be added soon.
Complete Table of Contents »The Handbook is intended for upper level undergraduate students and graduate students, researchers, technicians, and scientists.It is also well suited for advanced analytical instrumentation students as well as for analysts seeking additional knowledge or a deeper understanding of familiar techniques.
No. of pages: 520
Copyright: © Academic Press and AOCS Press 2017
Published: September 11th 2017
eBook ISBN: 9780128117330
Paperback ISBN: 9780128117323