Figure 9-1. Scheme of the preparation of a capillary column using the “slurry” packing procedure. I: packing of the SP; II: flushing with water; III: inlet frit preparation with a heated wire; IV: outlet frit preparation; VI: removal of excess SP; VII: removal of the polyimide external layer for the detection window.
Reproduced from Fanali, C., Asensio-Ramos, M., Hern ´ndez-Borges, J., Rocco, A., Fanali, S., 2011. Nano-liquid chromatographic separations. In: Byrdwell, W.C., Holcapek, M. (Eds.), Extreme Chromatography: Faster, Hotter, Smaller. American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS), Urbana, IL, USA, pp. 301-380.
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