William (Wm.) Craig Byrdwell, PhD

Dr.  Wm. Craig Byrdwell is Research Scientist, Analytical Chemist, Chromatographer, and Mass Spectrometrist, and most importanly, 
The Father of The Unit Simulacrum and 
The Father of Whole PI. 
The Simulacrum System is a new function and thoughtform relating Ratios to ratios.
Whole PI solves The Pi Paradox and leads to the Byrdwell Model for Dimensions (BMD).

William Byrdwell

Research Chemist, 
Mass Spectrometrist, and
Father of the Unit Simulacrum and
Father of Whole PI

ResearchGate. net

Dr. William Byrdwell's profile at ResearchGate is found at:
William Byrdwell at ResearchGate.net
ResearchGate shows and  h -index (Hirsch index) of h 31. 

William Byrdwell at Academia.edu

William  Byrdwell at Academia.edu is not used much.

Byrdwell @ Researchgate

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The Simplified Case for Whole PI at Researchgate

This is intended to be an easier-to-read article describing the new understanding of pi, named Whole PI, and the new understnading of Space,Mass, and The PeriodicTable. It does not include all detais in the original article.

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Key References for The Simulacrum System

Here are the four publications that form the foundation of The Simulacrum System.

Click on a publication for the .pdf file or online access.

Key Reference for Whole PI, The Byrdwell Model for Dimensions (BMD), 
and the Dimension Model of Mass (DMM) available at viXra.org