The New Model for Dimensions

Two equations​ describe three dimensions of space.
A more efficient model than other radius-based or diameter-based models.

Dimensions of Space and Mass
follow a common pattern.

The pattern can be simplified to a Generic Equation for Dimensions: 
2(x^p)/2p for the First One, and 
(x^p)/2p for others.

The First Dimensions of Space and Mass Share a Pattern.

The second Element in the Periodic Table, Hydrogen, H, stands in relation to the second Element, Helium, He, in the same way the Second Dimension of Space stands in relation to the First Dimension of Space. They both go from (2/2)=(1/1) for the First, d=1, p=1, to (1/4) for the Second, d=1, p=2.
The First Dimension is 2(x^p)/2p
The Second Dimension is (x^p)/2p
The Third Dimension is (x^p)/2p
The First is unique. The First is twice the others.
All are dual.

The Second Dimension &
All Dimensions

The Second Dimensions of Space is (PI)·d^p/2p, where d=1, p=2, 
so (PI)·​d^p·1/4 = (PI)·1/4.
The second Mass, Helium, is m^p/2p, where p=2, 
so m^p/4 = 1/4.
They both follow the same pattern: x^p/2p.
This is the same for the Second and Third Dimensions and is the generic Equation for Dimensions.

The Byrdwell Model for Dimensions (BMD) is:
The First is 2(x^p)/2p
Others are (x^p)/2p

There are EXACTLY 10 DIMENSIONS OF MASS  when the Byrdwell Model for Dimensions (BMD) is applied to Mass.  10 of the first 20 Elements are Dimensions, 10 are Deconstructions

Unit Deconstructions

The First Deconstruction, or First Decrement, of 1 is 1/2.
The First Deconstruction is the First Increment in the denominator of any ratio.
The identity ratio of One is:
1 = (1/1)
The First Decrement of One is First Increment in the denominator:
(1/(1+1)) = 1/2
For example: 1/(1+1), 1/(x+1),
or 1/(2p+1).
A Unit Deconstruction is deconstruction by 1.
10 of the first 20 Elements are Deconstructions. Nine are Unit Deconstructions, (m^p)/(2p+1). 
One, Argon, is the first higher deconstruction, (m^p)/(2p+2x), p=18, x=2, that serves as the foundation for all higher Deconstructions, starting Element 21.

Deeper Deconstruction of the 10th Dimension

All 10 Dimensions of Mass and all 9 Unit Deconstructions are in the first 20 Elements. 
After Element 20, Calcium, which is the 10th Dimension of Mass, all other Elements are Deconstructions of the 10th Dimension of Mass.
Argon, Ar-18, shows the first (m^p)/(2p+2x) = 40
Scandium, Sc-21. shows the first 
(m^p)/(2p+2x+1) = 45

Deconstructions alternate
between (m^p)/(2p+2x+0) and (m^p)/(2p+2x+1)

The General Form of Deconstructions of Dimensions can be summarized as (m^p)/(2p+2x+0) and (m^p)/(2p+2x+1), which can be condensed to:
where 0~1 indicates 0 or 1.

This is the Dimension Model of Mass (DMM).

Equations for Dimensions 
of Space and Mass

Dimensions of Space and Mass share a common pattern in equations.
The common pattern is the Byrdwell Model for Dimensions (BMD).

Slides on the Byrdwell Model for Dimensions (BMD)

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Blog for Dimension Model of Mass

The whole thing started when I realized that the second mass, helium, stood in relation to the first mass, hydrogen, as the second Dimension of Space stood in relation to the first Dimension of Space.The denominators in 1/1 to 1/4 in the first two masses ...
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Blog for Byrdwell Model for Dimensions

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Discovery of Whole PI

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The Byrdwell Model for Dimensions

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