Although the benefit of using small particle sizes in combination with higher operating pressures in high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was already predicted in the 1960s by Giddings (1964, 1965a) and Knox and Saleem (1969), the standard format for HPLC columns from the early 1980s were 4.6 mm x 250 mm columns packed with spherical particles of 5-10 mm diameter. These columns were operated with HPLC instruments with an upper pressure limit of 400 bar and produced plate numbers of c. 25000 with a column dead time of 2-5 min. In the late 1990s, studies were reported from the groups of Jorgenson (MacNair et al., 1997; MacNair et al., 1999) and Lee (Wu et al., 2001) that made use of ultrasmall particles and high operating pressures.
The first sub-2-micron particles were introduced by Agilent (Barber and Joseph, 2004) and Waters in 2004; at this time also the first commercial instrument with an operating pressure up to 1000 bar was introduced by Waters (Swartz and Murphy, 2005). Since then, a wide range of ultra-high performance LC (UHPLC) instruments have become commercially available from almost every major instrument vendor, and a new termdUHPLCdwas coined for HPLC instruments and columns capable of operation above 400 bar. In parallel to the progress in instrument development, new stationary phase morphologies were developed, with the promise of producing higher efficiencies with similar particle sizes compared to conventional particles. In particular, coreeshell particles have become very successful and are now available in various particle sizes (between 1.3 and 5 um) and chemistries (Gonza´lez-ruiz et al., 2015; Guiochon and Gritti, 2011; Hayes et al., 2014; Tanaka and McCalley, 2016).
Certain coreeshell materials are also available with larger pore sizes for the separation of biomolecules (Chen et al., 2015; Fekete et al., 2012a, 2013; Wagner et al., 2012). Simultaneously, the development of stationary phase chemistries has made huge progress. More and more phases are being developed for specific separation tasks: hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) phases for the separation of polar compounds, pH stable and temperature stable phases, low bleed phases for use specifically with mass spectrometry (MS), and phases suitable for supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC). Although many columns are offered in different length and diameters, HPLC users are faced with a choice of hundreds of columns to select from for a specific separation problem.
Schematic representation of layer-by-layer process for synthesis of coreeshell particles.
Reprinted with permission from Chen, W., Jiang, K., Mack, A., Sachok, B., Zhu, X., Barber, W.E., Wang, X., 2015. Synthesis and optimization of wide pore superficially porous particles by a one-step coating process for separation of proteins and monoclonal antibodies. J. Chromatogr. A 1414, 147-157.
Schematic representation of coacervation method for synthesis of coreeshell particles.
Reprinted with permission from Chen, W., Jiang, K., Mack, A., Sachok, B., Zhu, X., Barber, W.E., Wang, X., 2015. Synthesis and optimization of wide pore superficially porous particles by a one-step coating process for separation of proteins and monoclonal antibodies. J. Chromatogr. A 1414, 147-157.
Plots of the individual contributions to the reduced plate height curves in different mobile phases. Upper panel ha, medium panel hb, and lower panel hcs.
Fixed length (dashed lines) and fixed particle size (solid lines) kinetic plots for different particle sizes and a maximum pressure of 1000 bar, viscosity 0.8 cp, and column resistance factor 573.
Optimum particle size and maximum achievable plate numbers for fully porous and coreeshell particles [Pmax= 1000 bar, h= 0.8 cp, Dm= 1.14x10-9, (Phi)=573 (fully porous), 602 (core-shell)].
Selectivity control by altering pH. Column: 50 mm x 4.6 mm, 2.7 um HPH Poroshell-C18; mobile phase A: 10 mM ammonium formate (pH 3), ammonium acetate (pH 4.8), or ammonium bicarbonate (pH 10) in water; mobile phase B: acetonitrile, gradient: 10%-90% B in 5 min, hold 2 min at 90%; flow rate: 2 mL/min; detection UV absorbance at 254 nm; temperature 30oC. Peaks: 1=procainamide, 2=caffeine, 3=acetyl salicylic acid, 4=hexanophenone degradant, 5=dipyrimadole, 6=diltiazem, 7=diflunisal, and 8=hexanophenone.
Hydrophilicity versus ion-exchange selectivity plot of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography phases; bare silica (•), amide (square), diol (up triangle), amine and/or triazole (down triangle), polymer substrate and/or polymer-coated silica (diamond), zwitterionic (+), RPLC (X), latex-coated silica (*), proprietary polar phase (>).
Reprinted with permission from Ibrahim, M.E.A., Liu, Y., Lucy, C.A., 2012. A simple graphical representation of selectivity in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A 1260, 126-131.
Lys-C peptide maps of trastuzumab obtained with (A) BEH C18 and (B) CSH C18. Peak widths at half height (w0.5) are shown for five peptides spread across the separations. Peak capacities (4s) were calculated from the averages of these values. (C) Corresponding retention windows from each peptide map.
Reprinted with permission from Lauber, M.A., Koza, S.M., McCall, S.A., Alden, B.A., Iraneta, P.C., Fountain, K.J., 2013. Highresolution peptide mapping separations with MS-friendly mobile phases and charge-surface-modified C18. Anal. Chem. 85, 6936-6944.
Comparison of the separation of the reversed-phase (RP) test mixture on an in-house developed RP/WAX AQ360 phase with those obtained on commercially available mixed-mode phases employing RP-elution mode. Solutes: (1) butylbenzene; (2) pentylbenzene; (3) DETP (O,O Diethyl thiophosphate); and (4) Boc-Pro-Phe.
Reprinted with permission from Lämmerhofer, M., Richter, M., Wu, J., Nogueira, R., Bicker, W., Lindner, W., 2008. Mixed-mode ion-exchangers and their comparative chromatographic characterization in reversed-phase and hydrophilic interaction chromatography elution modes. J. Sep. Sci. 31, 2572-2588.
Positions of the extreme phases based on the S-B-C triangle and the list of extreme phases.
Reprinted with permission from Zhang, Y., Carr, P.W., 2009. A visual approach to stationary phase selectivity classification based on the Snyder-Dolan Hydrophobic-Subtraction Model. J. Chromatogr. A 1216, 6685-6694.
Spider diagram for a five dimensional selectivity model for supercritical fluid chromatography columns.
Reprinted from with permission from West, C., Lesellier, E., 2008. A unified classification of stationary phases for packed column supercritical fluid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A 1191, 21-39.
The Handbook of Advanced Chromatography /Mass Spectrometry Techniques is a compendium of new and advanced analytical techniques that have been developed in recent years for analysis of all types of molecules in a variety of complex matrices, from foods to fuel to pharmaceuticals and more. Focusing on areas that are becoming widely used or growing rapidly, this is a comprehensive volume that describes both theoretical and practical aspects of advanced methods for analysis. Written by authors who have published the foundational works in the field, the chapters have an emphasis on lipids, but reach a broader audience by including advanced analytical techniques applied to a variety of fields.
Contains both practical and theoretical knowledge, providing core understanding for implementing modern chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques Presents chapters on the most popular and fastest-growing new techniques being implemented in diverse areas of research.
The Chapters are listed above. Additional links to the fully enumerated Table of Contents will be added soon.
Complete Table of Contents »The Handbook is intended for upper level undergraduate students and graduate students, researchers, technicians, and scientists.It is also well suited for advanced analytical instrumentation students as well as for analysts seeking additional knowledge or a deeper understanding of familiar techniques.
No. of pages: 520
Copyright: © Academic Press and AOCS Press 2017
Published: September 11th 2017
eBook ISBN: 9780128117330
Paperback ISBN: 9780128117323